Tuesday, October 16, 2007

due to boredom @ maths

lyrics by ronan keating :) with an inner message? who knew..

my days been pretty occupied, lol. went to gym at 7.20 then walked to school, came back from school, done ;)

& pictures taken! woop woop its been forever nd ever nd ever since i last brought mi camera to school, anddd i havetha agree im not much of a camwhore as i used to be..

camille me nd hayley

stodgy expression one photo afta the otha..

& our science prac work!

teeth prints are without a doubt, disgusting. :)

spongy choc cake we made for cooking,once again.. disgusting.

lmao, Yes. my eyes are hurting from contacts AGAIN. Yes, im eager to go to the gym but my body sumhow just cbf? Yes, i am still questioning myself about alan too. No, i dont reckon i made the wrong decision.Yes, im glad im single! Yes, i'm becoming nerd-ier by the day, & liking it. :) Yes, i reckon i've looked at things in a different perspective than before.[probably not the wisest person on earth, but wise enuf to save myself from trouble] No, camwhoring isnt my thang. preferable photography :) Yes, i ought to be getting back to homework! Yes, time's limited. and i plan to use it wisely, any of u's desperate for pretty blog with sexual photos. pee off couse u's aint cool enuf. :)

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