Wednesday, August 13, 2008

wow! Take a look at the massive 50% off winter stock sale! from supre!
My apologies for such late notice. *evil grins* took my time shopping around from the glen to knox, then chadstone!

Basically, prices from $2.50-$20! is that absolutely crazy or what?
Bought tank tops & a sport bra from (The glen) supre for $2.50 each, denim dress from (knox) for $7.50, believe it or not.. originally $55; now for $7.50!!!
Unfortunately, CHADSTONE had no sale in sight whatsoever, who would've thought,The biggest shopping center among all three, was infact the one that wasn't on SALE!
A little piece of advice though,
wanting to get TANKTOPS? go to the glen ;) some are $2.50 compared to knox $3.75-$5?
Thinking of getting dresses? both knox & the glen! Although knox supre's heaps bigger compared to the glen, & more choices to choose from.. In depends on indiviual's opinion, I personally would go for Knox. (:

straight leg jeans $10

high waisted pocket skirt $10

high waisted denim jeans $10

high waisted skirt $20

If you think that's tempting... wait till your actually on the spot! ;)

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