Thursday, May 14, 2009


It's official that we no longer own this house, nor live in it, shower, drive pass it and yell out "look! look that's my house!" , it has been a pleasure to be living in this awesome family home since January, 2006- My first home in Melbourne.



Anonymous said...

I'll miss that house haha

DZ07 said...

so this is why you wagged :P

Unknown said...

waaaaahhh... so nice...
and yeh... explains why you wagged... :D

matt said...

wahh nice house =D...

sHERRY said...

anonymous- How could you have been to my house when I don't even know you
egg it all you want, it's not my house now ^^ bahahah
Hanley-hello hanley! (: nice seeing you today
Darren- konichiwawa darren! love ya! :)
Matt- bahhahaha welcome matt yam :)