It was Charles' Birthday Celebration Dinner. Given that VCE does literally suck the life out of us year twelve-lians.. I tend to get extremely excited when invited to birthday parties or birthday celebrations... It's the only time when I am bothered to look slightly decent (:
Candi and I
She's amazing!
Curled my hair, applied make-up, experimented with colours ^^, and lipstick on eyelid in applying my shimmery glitter flakes.. Lipstick is so effective! (inspired by Michelle Phan's eyeshadow pigment lipstick) Thought it would be an awesome idea to have your favourite lipstick as the base for shimmery glitter (similar to New Year's Glam tutorial)

Outfit of the Day
Skirt is also for sale for Aud10 (:
Given my noob illustrator knowledge, it did come pretty handy in times of need. EG. cropping out my towel and turning this image into Retro style. (:

As for Artclass today, I introduced a world renowned Architect named Antoni Gaudi and elaborated on his Barcelona Cathedral... Enabled the students to understand the historical and cultural aspect of Architecture, then begining with our very first group project of the year! (:

As for Artclass today, I introduced a world renowned Architect named Antoni Gaudi and elaborated on his Barcelona Cathedral... Enabled the students to understand the historical and cultural aspect of Architecture, then begining with our very first group project of the year! (:
The Castle.
Did I tell you how much I miss being single?
Thanks for the photos and cake and stuff bub! =)
its alright hun
thats what friends are forrr..
to be frank
you are
my very best malaysian female just migrated to melbourne two years ago friend
how's that sound?
pretty amazing!
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