Wednesday, July 16, 2008

To the end of hols && the beginning of a new semester..

Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall

~50cents earrings from groove

Not only are we up to the 7th month of the year, also the beginning of a brand new semester! Time flies when your enjoying life, doesn't it? Thus, to start of a fresh new semester, a list of goals awaits! Getting me pumped up for a fresh new semester!

  1. ideal weight (48kilos) In order to achieve such challenging goal, I've previously made a promise to my maid in Malaysia whom has been working for us for the past 6 years.. && for when I return, I'll be a healthy happychappy sherry! ;)
  2. draw! (It's been awhile I admit, since I last drew.. and deeply disappointed to say, I dont think I deserve the "best artist award" on formal night. Thus, getting up & taking up the initative && getting on with it* ought to be 1st on ze list.)
  3. Drink more water! (it's these little habits that goes a long way!) place water as my 1st option the next time I get thirsty! :)
  4. Be spiritually fit (I havetha agree on this one, Lately I've been reading the bible yet not praying as frequently) Although as a follower of christ, none of this is compulsory, yet.. As a personal decision, I needa be spiritually fit!
  5. bury yourself in books! (AH! new semester, awesome begining, magnifient opportunty to get on with your studies) Typical asian with typical asian responsibilities! need I say more?

Remember in my previous post when I ended the blog with..

~what lies beneath the book of vianimobili?

well here it is ;)

funny? embarrasing? hilarious? go ahead.. ;)

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