Monday, October 6, 2008

280th day of the year

Wowwers, two weeks of holidays flew by in a glimpse of an eye...
As I've pinky promised myself to be in bed, by 12.00am (which is in 6 minutes) I'd just make this short and simple. :)
Cousin Grace jiejie and I had a rather interesting conversation today...
Knowing the irresponsible carefree person that I am... we decided to write up a timetable for the following day...
Nurturing good habits into my life...
What are good habits actually?
I 'm pretty sure all of you are aware that we've finally come to the last term of Year2008 , but yet did you know.. we've used up 280 days of our lifes since the begining of 2008...
Just a thought.
make the most of this term everyone


*kRystLe said...

8:30- "drink water"???
hahah u hv a specific time to drink water hon?

Anonymous said...

hehe :) yes a break time between studying :0
aww Krystle Ng Mei EE :)
missing you :)

Wear, Show & Tell said...

HAhaha... I made her put that in! Some way to break the studying block, and its healthy!

Did you follow it today??

Love love thrown your way! Remember... 2MONTHS!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh, grace jiejie every little bit helped. the clock in the toilet, notes on the wall.. constantly to keep "going" lol. Unlike.. most of the time where i would just.. lol surf through the internet :) lol

Anonymous said...

that writing is so cool =P
day 280 already...
i only got two weeks left ><

your entries are awesome sherry =)