Upper & Lower, Classy & Cheapscake, Youthful & Oldies, whatever suits you.
Anyways, it was free-dress day today, gold coin donation to those who died in the bushfire down in Victoria. Lending a helping hand, while given the opportunity to look good at school? (: Works for me. As you all would know from reading, this blog. I'm not much of a fuss when it comes to fashion, I do not (clearly) shop at Chadstone, Knox or even The Glen. So why will it ever occur to you that I'd shop at the "TopShop". Top Shop in my opinion, is considerably pretty well known internationally, and I'm not picking on TopShop specificly (their stuffs awesome!!), that shop just coincidently rhymes with my all time favourite store, the Op Shop.
Unfortunately Op Shops isnt much appreciated in Malaysia, infact I don't think I came acorss any when I was back months ago. "TopShop" was however our shopping spot, Ahaha.. window shopping that is. A couple of mates and I were bumming at Sunway Pyramid, browsing from stores to stores, shops such as Forever 21 & Top Shop.. Sorry ladies, they were slightly too pricey for me though I came back from Melbourne and all.. Op Shop's more my thing, I reckon.
Merely looking at both photos above, YOU would probably be disgusted by the second photo. Moahahah, old ladies putting their hands on old sweaty clothes, worn by.. who knows what????? WTFF?? (typical reaction?)
Then we've got TopShop, a place with no grannies insight, elderly women wearing mini-skirts reminiscing their youthful days, and teens being teens. Don't get me wrong shops like these, are beau-ti-ful, they make me drool, make me crawl, make me wish I had more cash.
Unfortunately, I do not.
Yes, I do not.
If I do, I would not spend over rm60 on anything, apart from.... dresses!! (:
TopShop is absolutely beautiful, I love their style, I love their dresses, also I've never bought anything from there, apart from a rm35 top, three years ago.
Ok, now back to Op Shops. Honestly, didn't know much about it till last year, I've always shopped at Supre before that, and not any Supre, but Supre Dandenong. Where everything was between Aud 3- Aud 10 (selected items only) Unfortunately it closed down, and moved to a lower floor with nothing less than Aud10!! Even now, I do occasionally shop at Supre when their on SALE. (:
Getting side tracked!! Oki Oki Op shops! (:
Hidden beneath those ugly looking clothes, donated by who knows who? or what?? There are indeed some unpolished gems, unworn clothes, vintage from the 60s? 70s? Old, smelly, so what? Take it for a wash, and you'll be getting a limited edition dress only YOU have. and it didnt cost you more than Aud10!!
Take Diva for example, their quality is full-on crap, but we as consumers still purchase them. Why? Their designs are one of a kind, I know all about this.. obviously because I've worked there for a day. (Laughs Out Loud) came in contact with them for.. 10 whole hours; admiring, feeling, touching every single designs, their quality, the accecories individually (lol, sound so pro) & I do agree, from their floral design range, punk to animals.. suited for all styles.. I personally loved the snake bracelet & oriental earrings.
My point is, people would pay more for the designs! Accecories are although little, but put together... you'll be surprise how little things like these make such an impact, overall.
Same goes to Op Shops, never underestimated one's ability when it comes to Op shopping, keep in mind, under those smelly/stinky clothes, unbearable old people odour, there's a gem awaiting to be found!!
I was like a girl playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
Lol you're too passionate about this :P
that's good =D
but makes me wonder what people would say
I mean I agree to some extent that op shop clothing may have been in "top shop" once before
so yeah there's that sense of recognition =P
but still
you'll never convince me to wear a shirt that may have once been worned by a guy who wipes his snot of them :]
FOR YOUR INFO, I'VE DONATED A FAIR BIT AND I'VE NEVER WIPED snot on any of my clothes, well.. most of em :)
ahaha :)
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