Friday, March 13, 2009

Dai Zhen Chew

Mr Matinez showed me a video earlier yesterday, it's an exhibition he went to; and once mentioned of...

Seriously, as I heard about this from Mr Matinez, I was utterly blown away with the talent this person had; blindfolded whilst drawing the scene merely from the mind? As ZhenChew was so used to catching the train there and back.. the atmosphere, the sound, and the environment,.. All she needed in her exhibition was the sound of the moving train.


Unknown said...

I'm amazed... O.o

Anonymous said...

Yeh! Same here (: How amazing is she?

Yellow Cake said...

Dai Zhen Chew? I just had some Saturday. It's really delicious with a tall glass of Tsingtao. Yummy yum yum +__+

zhen said...

Wow, it is very interesting what happens when you google yourself. Hey thanks for your kind words about my artwork.