Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Motion Picture

myspace graphic at Gickr

myspace graphic
Heh, I really enjoyed my trip in Tasmania and so was the Hong Kong/Malaysia trip. It's definately been an awesome headstart to 2010. Living independently has undoubtedly given me some form of independence in the past couple of weeks and in the future. I can't help to smile smile when scrolling up to those two motion pictures. It has been enjoyable in Tasmania, both Launceston and Hobart. In Launceston, living alone could be rather lonely at times, but it really helped me stay focused. Magnifying your goals enlarges your vision. It'll be a tough year ahead for the year 12s of 2010, study hard and harder? Focus on the destination and you'll get there. In Hobart however,, was thoroughly relaxing and enjoyable! Sarah and Roger brought me around town, and visited some fascinating places from Mount Wellington? to Kingston and Bruny island? Yes they've all been enjoyable, definately made some awesome friends over the past couple of weeks . I've loved my trip, what can I say? :)
Thanks to those who's made this a memorable one~


*kRystLe said...

U had so much funnnn!!! :D

Sherry said...

I did I did! :) it was heaps funnn :D:D