Saturday, March 13, 2010

Short Talk, Walk Walk...

Qi Qi and I went Short Talk Shopping today! Yes yes, seeing as it is a short talk on "three things in a box"... The most important part is.. The Box! :) Yes... More irrelevant photos will be posted soon. But in the meantime... we've just made our very own corn starch homemade glue, and attempted in papier mache craft... It looks fairly good so far... but more importantly... Here's a couple of shots I've taken with self timer and with the help of Qi Qi.. This outfit of mine didn't cost me more than.. Aud 10 to in total.. :) Pretty amazing I know. Why shop when you can Op Shop? A special thanks to that someone who paid for my Aud5 dress lollerskate. :)

Dress : Made in Italy (Aud 5)
Belt: Made in Spain (Aud 3)
Oroton bag: Made in Australia (Aud 2)


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