Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rainbow Castle

We've finally finished our Rainbow Castle! visit for more pictures and details on today's art&craft class.... Due to the time constraints.. I didn't end up covering all the activity that I intended to cover.. Although we did successfully complete this beautiful work of art, all thanks to the effort contributed by everyone... The kids were very keen in painting, and deciding the colour of their heart shapes :) .. Unfortunately we didnt get to experiment with the beautiful bubble texture this week, although i was really really hoping to demonstrate some artistic tricks to the children.. Guess I'll have to show them off the following week.. It is pretty amazing, simple, and enables the kids to fully grasp a thorough definition of texture... (in my opinion) ^_^

Food without texture can be bland and not very interesting, therefore texture adds interest and sensory pleasrue to the experience of eating... sensation of touch we can imagine what the teture we see might feel like... after the bubble experimentation, I was inspired to create the same circular pattern in creating texture on a lamb's fur. (Saving up the idea for next week!)

1 comment:

DZ07 said...

And to think you were gonna use my face as an example of texture

As the old testament people offered lambs as a sacrifice
so does this lamb sacrifice is texturiness so your art class can learn?

------- eeep

ily !