Monday, September 7, 2009

Dear diary,

I haven't done any Art all day. It's both frustrating and disappointing at this point, the amount of effort I've put into art all throughout the year and it all comes down to this.. My final art pieces. The resolution of the ideas I've resolved, refined and developed. It's so grr frustrating at this point, as VCE tends to give the impression of "do or die" If your enter isn't impressive, there's no chance of you having a good future. I've been told that isnt't true. Realisticly, I guess.. even a career as a janitor could earn a living. I have all the passion in the world to do art, I know I enjoy art despite the fact that I'm good at it. I love expressing myself on paper creatively. I very much enjoy refining my works and enhancing the quality of artworks I produce. I love receiving the compliments and appreciation from my peers. But being able to achieve the quality of an artwork in such a short period of time, seems somewhat impossible at this point. I've lost all the confidence in the world, I know given the time.. I can do this~
Enough with procrastination, I'm off for more Art...
lots of love, Sherry


kat said...

hi sherry!
i also find it frustrating when you know what you have to do, time is short, and you just haven't done it yet! i don't know if this will help, but i was a kicking a basketball yesterday, and i realised it only goes straight when you look where it's meant to go. (like ally's horse example)if we gawk at "now" we just feel depressed, but if we turn our eyes to Jesus (and his comfort) - the other things fade.. and we can have some sort of hope?

Sherry Ng said...

Yes, as Luke mentioned. Without hope there isn't a reason to live. Thanks Rosa! :)
I've lost sight for awhile now.. but thanks for that...
