Friday, July 9, 2010

Shopping Spree!

Good day everyone! How's everyone's last couple of days doing? (: Mine has been spectacular today... Spent money for once, explored the rest of Brunswick, visited more exciting galleries, and went "shopping" Sherry's style ;) Spent a total of Aud73.60 today... Now that is a world record... Never have I once spent more than Aud10 in a day.. and today I've surprised myself too... Ohmygosh* Aud5.60 was spent on the transportation ticket, Aud 35 was spent on a USED 320gb External Hard drive, Aud15 was spent on a special pillow, and 18 Aud was spent on A Charles and Keith skirt as well as a deniim dress... Pretty good buy.... The twist is... They were either purchased in Opshops or previously booked on Gumtree... All I had to do was travel all the way to Bentleigh then back to Bourke Street to pick up ze GOODIES. (: Saving money whilst Spending feels awesome. I would have spent just over 150 if I bought them all first hand.. but bargain buys are ze Best! (:

Disney Princess Pillow/Book (:

Cute Jap Dolls :)

Lin Onus
The Meaning Of Life

Fireworks at Waterfront Dockland (:


DZ07 said...





3:03 am madness !
wish u were here :)

Sherry Ng said...

lol (: glad spain wonnn (: