Monday, January 21, 2008

st kilda beach ;)
The past week has been sucha blurrr to me, i could hardly recall the events that happened. lol, thas why photoooosss are heree to helppp ;)
all i remembered was.. tristan's 3rd birthday party, alice & fiona bumming at my place, st.kilda beach..
&& umms.. yes, i've got nothing ;(
though there's exactly 1 week left before the school reopens,buh i've been having butterflies whenever WCC comes in mindddd. :( not that its a crap school like wheelerss buh the fact that i've gotta make new friends "again" be familiarized with the schoool's surroundinggs "again"
new yearrr, neww beginingg, new resolutionsss..
think positiveee :):):):)

bad quality photoosss, no thankkks to nokiaa

reveals her inner artist ;)


~luck is the result of hardwork

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